Monday, January 24, 2011

My life : Part 1.

Wake up... Eat breakfast... Shower... Put on Clothes... Brush teeth... Go to class... Be judged by classmates, and teachers... Drink from water fountain... Feel fat in gym class... Go home with a bookbag full of stress... Eat my feelings... Be lazy on couch... Three hour nap... Be judged by family... Watch glee... Wish my life wasn't so boring... Eat more feelings... Brush teeth... Sleep for six hours... Repeat.

1 comment:

  1. Aw, young lady! I eat feelings, too. It's okay, as long as you work them off with some gym class energy or some fidgety artwork!
    I just blogged about you and your journals!
    Thank you so much again!
    PS- I've become a Gleek, too. It's addictive.
